What Sticks

Goal and Mission

Give users agency over their health data so they can reap the benefits from their own data.
  • Making your data accessible
  • Making your data useful

More to digest

  • 2024-06-03: The What Sticks problem statement video here.New!
  • 2024-05-19: Location tracking feature (iOS 2.1 release) video here.
  • 2024-02-01: App launch video here.
  • 2024-01-30: Video of iOS app you can download now.
  • 2022-11-20: Video of concept from 2022 prototype watch here
  • 2022-10-16: Article using What Sticks data collection to provide insight on how temperature impacts my sleep.
  • 2021-10-25: Article on advent of data in health in wellness

Latest Beta Version

Contact Us: nrodrig1@gmail.com